
Spherical Disrupted - "Entsorgung"
Black , Ausgabe 21, Herbst 2000

Sehr genial, sehr begeisternd. Genau das, was viele Bands immer wieder versuchen, nämlich ambiente Drones so zu verpacken, dass es interessant und aufregend klingt, auch nach dem dritten Track und erst recht nach dem fünften Anhören. Das ist Mirko Hentrich mit "Entsorgung" gelungen. Klangliche Experimente, dazu wirklich aufregende Sounds, bei denen man sich ständig fragt, was hier eigentlich verarbeitet wurde. Ganz klar ist mir natürlich wieder mal nicht, ob es sich hier um Ambient, um pure Electronics, um Noise, Industrial, was auch immer handelt. Aber darum geht es ja auch gar nicht. Mirko, übrigens ein Gründungsmitglied der leider nicht mehr existenten Formation EXPERIMENTUM CRUCIS, hat einfach eine CD geschaffen, die man sich gerne immer wieder anhört. Sphärische Klänge jenseits aller Klischees und vor allen Dingen, nicht langweilig! Auch die Aufmachung der CD ist fuer eine CD-R in Eigenproduktion wirklich gut gelungen. Schlicht, aber durchaus informativ und hübsch anzusehen. Mehr Infos und Bestellmöglichkeiten gibt es unter (Andreas Viehoff)

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Spherical Disrupted - "Entsorgung"
Sonic Seducer , 10/00

Spherical Disrupted hieß vor einiger Zeit noch Spherical (siehe auch Review im Sonic Seducer 5/98) und ist das Projekt des ehemaligen Experimentum Crucis Keyboarders Mirko Hentrich. Während es bei EC noch sehr EBMmäßig zuging, hat sich Mirko bei Spherical vollständig von seinen Wurzeln entfernt, womit klar sein dürfte, welches der beiden Projekte ich favorisiere. "Entsorgung" ist im weiteren Sinne elektronischer Ambient, allerdings mit zum Teil eher lärmigen, denn ambientartigen Klängen, die durch die Plazierung in großen Hallräumen weichgemacht werden. Die Position des Lautstärkereglers am Verstärker spielt zudem wie immer in solchen Fällen ihre ganz eigene Rolle, wenn's um die Entscheidung zwischen Noise und Ambient geht. Abgerundet wird die CD-R durch das schlichte, aber stilvolle Artwork. (Sascha Bertoncin)

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Spherical Disrupted - "Entsorgung"
auf abwegen , #30, Winter 00/01

Unterstriche sind jetzt cool, oder was?! Spherical_Disrupted brennt den Inhalt seiner Festplatte auf CD und der ist nicht von schlechten Eltern. Grollende Sounds lassen seufzende Maschinen vermuten. Es darf auch schon mal ein kaputter Anrufbeantworter sein. Lustmord wird müde, hier kommen Spherical_Disrupted. (Zipo)

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Spherical Disrupted - "Entsorgung"
Recycle Your Ears

"Entsorgung" is the third CDR and fourth releases of the german one man act Spherical Disrupted, a porject who already shows very well its direction with its artwork: black and white blurry pictures and a layout inspired by an old computer operating system: Spherical Disrupted are here to play dark industrial and noise that use a healthy dose of effects. And this "entsorgung" proves at the end to meet the expectations one could have about it: deep, slighlty distorted drones that could have been borrowed from Ah Cama Sotz meet weird samples (were "Irrsinnig gemacht" and "Irreparabel beschädigt" recorded only through an answering machine?), some deep beats and a rather high level of noise on some tracks. Generally speaking, this long album show various different styles, ranging from rhythmic stuff ("Orbitabodenfraktur"), more ambient / accoustic tracks ("Irren ist menschlich" "Irrelevant gelebt") or noise (with the lond "Pathos", for example). All in all, this CDR contains both very industrial, suffocating moments (mostly at is beginning), as well as a more ambient and experimental side that uses less electronics and could very well have been made moslty of field recordings. In my opinion, this project is better in this second style, and I think this guy could end up with pretty good material, was he to work more in this direction. The rest of the demo seems a bit less focused and wander without a lot of success. In conclusion, this stays a demo, but has some strong moments that deserve to be explored further. (Nicolas)

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Spherical Disrupted - "Entsorgung"
The New Empire

Spherical Disrupted is the project of Mirko Hentrich, also known as a member of Experimentum Crucis and delivers us minimalistic electronics somewhere between noise and ambient with often weird moods and a confusing mixture of clear-structured elements and pure chaotic noise. The CD seems to be separated into 3 different parts: Chirurgie, Psychatrie and Pathologie. While the overall atmosphere of the music is very dark, every part is very different in its approach and musically separated from the others. "Chirurgie" is a very quiet and direct part featuring a lot of heavy soundscapes and low-frequency-rhythms always interrupted by disturbing sound-pieces that seem to rip through the surface-structure of each track like a scalpel through tissue. The part contains of three tracks and my listening-tip is number 2, called "Orbitabodenfraktur". The track is very long and sometimes sounds a little bit unfinished because very brutal breaks and not perfectly smooth changes of rhythm don't guarantee a straight listening-experience. Nevertheless the threatening atmosphere is well interpreted and the mixture of noisy and analog rhythms make it a very interesting track. "Psychatrie" is the part of the album I would call "experimental". It is the largest part and contains of 6 tracks. It begins with "Irrsinnig gemacht". This track sounds like the results of an accident with an answering-machine recorded on DAT. Sound-fragments are all you can hear. No structure, no melody, no rhythm. Also the other tracks follow this concept and it is a very difficult task to really listen to this stuff. To me it sounds only like a defect sound-effect-CD you use to enhance your home-videos... but the idea of madness is well interpreted. The final part is called "Pathologie" and begins with a weird sound-journey that might be an interpretation of the last voyage after we die... bizarre sounds are mangled together but I miss something really interesting in this very long (18:04) track. Lots better is the next one called "Pathos". It is creating a lot of tension with the bombastic dark sound-carpets in the second part of the track and the silently hammering rhythm takes you on a trip to an unknown land. This one is the best one on the album. The album ends with the shortest track featuring some German spoken vocals. The whole stuff is not really boring or uninteresting, but I miss some inspiration in most of the material. The two tracks I mentioned (Orbitabodenfraktur and Pathos) are good, but the rest doesn.t wake the wish in me to listen to it again. Points: 3, Coolness: 5 (Toxin)

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